The Cost of Being Infertile
The subject of infertility is something that can be very hard to discuss, as it is a very sensitive and personal matter for each man and woman. Unfortunately more woman and men are being burdened with not being able to have a child more now than ever in history. The question is why? Why is it so hard to become pregnant today when it should be a natural part of evolution? There are actually many schools of thought on this matter. Parents today have to choose to have their child through a test tube tube rather creating a baby the good old-fashioned way. Each year it is getting worse and worse with what “they” claim there are no answers to why, just excuses of why the problem exists. I will not only show you that there are answers to this epidemic but how to heal yourself naturally while also saving money.
In this article I am going to discuss:
What the media and research tell us to why woman and men are not bearing children?
Why men and woman have become infertile
What is ART?
The cost of being an infertile parent is very expensive.. ..The cost of ART treatments
Insurance doesn’t cover
Woman donating their eggs
The statistics of how many children are being born in the US
How ART procedures how skyrocketed since men and woman are infertile
Insurance doesn’t cover
ART treatments causing multiple births, preterm births and birth defects
How the US is one of the top countries for infant mortalities
How GMO’s have been shown to cause infertility, birth defects, early puberty and more…..
Fertility Diet
Fertility Therapies
Organic Remedies to help the top reasons woman and men’s infertility issues
The cost of not living organically resulting in not having a child the natural way as well as paying the consequences vs. the cost of living organically
Explaining how living organically and giving your body what nature intended will not only cost a whole heck of a lot less but will greater your chances of having a little bundle of joy and live a healthy happy and fulfilled life
Lets look at what the media and research tells us to why woman and men are not bearing as many children.
Analysts say that the birthrate is dictated by the economy.
- 'When times are up, births go up,' D’Vora Cohn, a senior writer at Pew Research Center, told Today. 'When times are bad, births go down.'
Despite the recession being officially over for four years, the weak recovery and economic uncertainty has resulted in the national birthrate hitting an all-time low in 2011, and staying there in 2012.
Financial insecurity: With economic uncertainty ahead, it seems many women are opting to postpone motherhood. 1
Economics Influence Fertility Rates More Than Other Factors
The world population could top 8 billion in the year 2023 if current growth rates remain constant, according to United Nations figures. However, if global fertility rates slow more quickly than expected, there could be up to half a billion fewer mouths to feed on Earth in 2023. Based on a recent study by a University of Missouri anthropologist, economic changes have the greatest impact on reducing family size, and thus slowing population growth, compared to other factors. 2
New infertility prevalence calculation
Global infertility prevalence rates are difficult to determine, due to the presence of both male and female factors, which complicate any estimate, which may only address the woman and an outcome of a pregnancy diagnosis or live birth.3
Why hasn't anyone researched what is causing the health issues resulting in infertility?
The crazy part about this is not one study looked at what is causing the rise in health issues of parents. Don’t you think this plays a huge part on what determines whether you can conceive a child rather than “blaming” it on the economy? So what you are telling me is there is no way to understand why woman and men are unable to conceive? With the “knowledge” our doctors have today, no one can tell these very desperate parents why their bodies won’t allow them to bear a child. The doctors today are telling parents what is wrong with them but can’t tell them what is causing it. When all else fails all the doctors can provide these parents is an option to have a baby out of a lab. Parents need to start to demand more. It is our bodies and we should expect that our doctors, whom we “trust” should have the answers, right? Well not necessarily. A lot of doctors are in the dark just like a lot of people out there are. They go to medical school while only taking if they are lucky one class in nutrition. They then get out of school listening to Big Pharma, thinking they have learned everything to help someone not knowing everything they have learned will cause more harm than good. There are also many doctors who do know but choose not to tell you. This is why we have to ask questions until we find answers and I don’t mean cookie cutter answers. I mean real answers that in your gut make sense.
Below are the top reasons that cause women infertility according to the MayoClinic. 4 5
• Ovulation disorders • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) • Hypothalamic dysfunction • Premature ovarian insufficiency • Too much prolactin. • Damage to fallopian tubes (tubal infertility) • Endometriosis • Uterine or cervical causes • Unexplained infertility
Below are the top reasons that cause men infertility according to the MayoClinic.
• Varicocele • Infection • Ejaculation issues • Antibodies that attack sperm • Tumors • Undescended testicles • Hormone imbalances • Sperm duct defects • Chromosome defects • Problems with sexual intercourse • Celiac disease • Certain medications
Environmental causes:
• Industrial chemicals • Heavy metal exposure • Radiation or X-rays • Overheating the testicles
Health, lifestyle and other causes
• Illegal drug use • Alcohol use • Occupation • Tobacco smoking • Emotional stress • Weight • Prolonged bicycling
What is Infertility and ART?
Usually, infertility is defined as the absence of conception after at least one year of regular, unprotected intercourse.
So when parents can’t conceive, doctor suggests for them to try other options such as ART. Common methods of infertility treatment include various insemination techniques and hormone therapy to stimulate egg production. Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) are procedures in which pregnancy is attempted through the use of external means; for example, eggs are fertilized outside the womb and then placed into a woman's uterus through in vitro fertilization (IVF)
The parents being desperate to have a child concur with the doctor to try other options such as ART. I mean what’s the harm of having a baby with the “doctors” help? It is the woman’s egg and the man’s sperm, right? Unfortunately there is a lot wrong with this picture. They range from the cost of having a child through alternative methods, the health risk to the mother as well as the child.
The cost of being an infertile parent is very expensive
First lets start with money…….
Each treatment of in vitro fertilization is on average of $12,400. Using a surrogate may cost around $60,000 and eggs can go for anywhere from $2,500 to $50,000 or even $ $100,000. If you decide to screen embryos for genetic traits, add approximately $3,400 to the price of assisted reproduction. NEED A WEBSITE
Americans are struggling more now financially than ever before as times have become so much more difficult. Parents have no clue how expensive the procedure/s can become but because they are out of options they agree to go through with it. The interesting thing is that the desire to want a baby supercedes not being able to afford it, which contradicts everything “analysts” say. You can not put a price tag on the joys of being a parent.
How ART procedures how skyrocketed since men and woman are infertile
As you can see, the amount of procedures preformed in 2000 was 99,629 and went up to 163,039 in 2011. This is one of the most expensive procedures one can have done to their body and it has had a 61% increase during a “recession”, no less. I find it interesting that during a recession “analysts” say that is the cause of the decline of births. So if the economy is the cause for infertility, why is Assisted Reproductive Technology on the rise?
You can also see that the amount of live births did not rise at the same pace as the amount of procedures done. There is only about a 30% success rate on each round of in vitro fertilization according to the CDC. Unfortunately this figure has not changed much since ART first test tube baby, Louise Joy Brown, born on July 25, 1978. You would think since 1978, that the advancement of ART medicine would have changed the statistics of babies born, but it hasn’t. Since it doesn’t always work the first time, because there is only a 30% success rate, parents think about it and try again. This time they have to put it on their credit card, take out a second mortgage or take out the last bit of savings they have. This doesn’t include keeping the baby healthy in utero, once the child is born, if there are any complications with the delivery or if the child is not well once he or she is born, which I will discuss later. New parents are already in debt before they even get started to raise a family they so desperately wanted.
On top of that, why in 10 years has the number of live births due to some form of ART only risen from 25.3%-29.3%? VERIFY. So with all of the technology today the success of having a child has only risen 4% while ART has gone up 61%. How does that make sense?
According to the CDC fertility clinics do not report to the CDC the number of women treated at each facility. Because clinics report information only on outcomes for each cycle started, it is not “possible” to compute the success rates on a “per woman” basis, or the number of cycles that an average woman may undergo before achieving success. Interesting, that is such perfect statistic to conveniently not have. If woman don’t know how many ART treatments they would need to conceive a child they might be more willing “to try and try again”. Which means more money in the facilities pockets.
Woman donating their eggs
If woman can’t use their own eggs then they have a choice to use a donor’s eggs. You think wow that is amazing that a woman would give her own eggs to donate to woman desperately wanting a child. It works out for both women, right. The donor needs the money and the recipient needs her eggs to conceive a child. The problem lies though in how this process works.
These financially desperate woman are “targeted” at their campus, etc to sell their eggs. They advertise that you could help a woman in need of having a child and at the same time make a few bucks. These woman think about it and think “hey why not?”
They go to the doctor and have to pass a series of tests in order for their eggs to be accepted. No time in the doctor’s visit does the doctor or nurse explain the side affects when donating their eggs. EXPAND
And on top of this, insurance doesn’t cover anything unless you are located in a certain area within the United States.
In the link below, according to American Progress, will cover two areas of the law: state statutes that require health plans to cover or offer infertility services and court cases that determine whether federal anti-discrimination laws are violated by employer health plans that do not cover infertility treatments.
Embedded in the statutory requirements are judgments on who qualifies as “deserving” of coverage, which reasons for excluding coverage are deemed legitimate, and what types of treatments are considered valid. In the court cases, judges have tried to answer whether infertility is a disability, whether lack of coverage for infertility treatments that only women can use constitutes sex discrimination, and whether discrimination against the infertile is pregnancy discrimination.6
So let me get this straight insurance companies and judges are legally able to deem or not deem you legitimately able to receive medical coverage in order to conceive a child. There is obviously something wrong with the man or woman’s body if they can’t conceive. Don’t we all pay for “health insurance” so we can go to our doctors so they can “heal” our bodies? Furthermore how are insurance companies and judges able qualify you as “deserving” to be a parent? Who gives them the right to determine if you are “deserving”? Aren’t we all equals? Don’t’ we all have the right to be a mom and dad?
Now that a woman can conceive what happens next…..
Multiple Births
Below is a chart on how many children are born in the US each year. Having twins, triplets or higher are very common in ART procedures. The reason for this is doctors are implanting more eggs hoping one would “stick”. Doing this increases the chances of having multiple children dramatically. The problem with having more twins, triplets or more are the babies are at a greater health risk.
This practice has led to a steep increase in multiple pregnancies and births—more than half of IVF children born in the United States are part of a set. In the meantime, medical associations and some governments have weighed in on the debate. For instance, in 2006 the American Society of Reproductive Medicine issued guidelines that no more than two embryos should be implanted for women under 35, no more than three for women who are 35 to 37, no more than four for women who are 38 to 40, and no more than five for women over 40.23 Clinics, however, are not required to follow the guidelines.
Multiple births are much more common today than they were in the past. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the twin birth rate has increased by over 75% since 1980,NEED STATISTICS FROM 1980 and triplet, quadruplet, and high-order multiple births have increased at an even higher rate. There are more multiple births today in part because more women are receiving infertility treatments, which carries a risk of multiple pregnancy. Although major medical advances have improved the outcomes of multiple births, multiple births still are associated with significant medical risks and complications for the mother and children. 7
Lets look at one of the risks of multiple births……
Preterm babies
Preterm birth is the birth of an infant prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy. Preterm-related causes of death together accounted for 35% of all infant deaths in 2009, more than any other single cause. Preterm birth is also a leading cause of long-term neurological disabilities in children. Preterm birth costs the U.S. health care system more than $26 billion in 2005 and can cost 51,600 per person. According to the CDC each year, preterm birth affects nearly 500,000 babies—that's 1 of every 8 infants born in the United States. The percentage of births that were born preterm was much higher in the United States than in Europe.
A developing baby goes through important growth during the final weeks and months of pregnancy. Many organ systems, including the brain, lungs, and liver need the final weeks of pregnancy to develop fully. There is a higher risk of serious disability or death the earlier the baby is born. Some problems that a baby born too early may face include—
• Breathing problems. • Feeding difficulties. • Cerebral palsy. • Developmental delay. • Vision problems. [PDF - 118KB] • Hearing impairment. • Death • Adverse Health Outcomes • Behavioral and Emotional Problems
Preterm births also may cause heavy emotional and economic burdens for families. 8
Labor Time!!!!
It is now time to go into labor, this should be a beautiful experience right? You go to a hospital thinking your doctor and nurses have your best interest at heart, but that is not always the case.
Epidurals, Pitocin, C-Sections
You are of course in a lot of pain and your doctor recommends that you have an epidural to take away the pain. Epidurals unfortunately are extremely dangerous, which many doctors don’t advise.
In 1885, a New York Neurologist J Leonard Corning was the first documented person to inject cocaine into the back of a patient suffering from spinal weakness and seminal incontinence.”
Epidurals that are derived from cocaine, is an injections of a local anesthetic drug to relieve pain during child birth. It numbs/ blocks both the sensory and motor nerves making it temporarily unable to move the lower part of the body.
Now more than a century later the most popular analgesia, or pain relief in the US has become an epidural. Almost two-thirds of laboring women in 2004 reported that an epidural was administered to pain relief.
Epidurals lower the natural production of oxytocin that is the love hormone that causes the woman’s uterus to contract during labor. In turn because there is not enough of this hormone released the doctors recommend Pitocin that is a synthetic version of oxytocin. There are major disruptions to the processes of birth. These disruptions can interfere with a woman’s ultimate enjoyment of and satisfaction with her labor experience, and may also compromise the safety of birth for mother and baby. Epidurals significantly interfere with some of the major hormones of labor and birth, which may explain their negative effect on the processes of labor.6 As the World Health Organization comments, “epidural analgesia is one of the most striking examples of the medicalization of normal birth, transforming a physiological event into a medical procedure.”7
Epidurals Side Effects
Epidurals interfere with labor and have side effects for mothers
• They lengthen labor. • They triple the risk of severe perineal tear. • They may increase the risk of cesarean section by 2.5 times. • They triple the occurrence of induction with synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin). • They quadruple the chances a baby will be persistently posterior (POP, face up) in the final stages of labor, which in turn decreases the chances of spontaneous vaginal birth (see below). • They decrease the chances of spontaneous vaginal delivery. In 6 of 9 studies reviewed in one analysis, less than half of women who received an epidural had a spontaneous vaginal delivery. • They increase the chances of complications from instrumental delivery. When women with an epidural had a forceps delivery, the amount of force used by the clinician was almost double that used when an epidural was not in place. This is significant because instrumental deliveries can increase the short-term risks of bruising, facial injuries, displacement of skull bones and blood clots in the scalp for babies, and of episiotomy and tears to the vagina and perineum in mothers. • They increase the risk of pelvic floor problems (urinary, anal and sexual disorders) in mothers after birth, which rarely resolve spontaneously. • Hormones are altered causing many disruptions of the birthing process. They include interfering with the mother’s enjoyment of laboring her child • The safety of the mother and child
Epidural also have side effects for babies
It’s important to understand that drugs administered by epidural enter the baby’s bloodstream at equal and sometimes even higher levels than those present in the mother’s bloodstream.
Studies have found detectable amounts of bupivacain metabolites in the urine of exposed newborns for 36 hours following spinal anesthesia for cesarians.
Some studies have found deficits in newborn abilities that are consistent with the known toxicity of drugs used in epidurals.
Other studies have found that local anesthetics used in epidurals may adversely effect the newborn immune system, possibly by activating the stress response.
There is evidence that epidurals can compromise fetal blood and oxygen supply, probably via the decrease in maternal blood pressure that epidurals are known to cause.
Epidurals have been shown to cause fetal bradycardia, a decrease in the fetal heart rate (FHR). This is probably secondary to the decrease in maternal CA caused by epidurals which in turn leads to low blood pressure and uterine hyper-stimulation.
Epidurals can cause maternal fever, which in turn may affect the baby. In a large study of first-time moms, babies born to mothers with fever (97% of whom had epidurals) were more likely to be in poor condition (low APGAR scores) at birth, to have poor tone, to require resuscitation and to have seizures in the newborn period, compared to babies born to mothers without fever.
Older studies using the more exacting Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS, devised by pediatricians) rather than the newer, highly criticized Neurologic and Adaptive Capacity Score (NACS, devised by anesthesiologists – can you say “conflict of interest”?) found significant neurobehavioral effects in babies exposed to epidurals.
In one such study, researchers found less alertness and ability to orient, and less mature motor abilities, for the first month of life. These findings were in proportion to the dose of bupivacaine administered, suggesting a dose-related response.
Epidurals can cause changes in the fetal heart rate (FHR) that indicate that the unborn baby is lacking blood and oxygen. This effect is well known to occur soon after the administration of an epidural (usually within the first 30 minutes), can last for 20 minutes, and is particularly likely following the use of opiate drugs administered via epidural and spinal. Most of these changes in FHR will resolve spontaneously, with a change in position, or, more rarely, may require drug treatment.72 More severe changes, and the fetal distress they reflect, may require an urgent cesarean.
Epidurals may interfere with mother-baby bonding and breastfeeding
Some studies suggest that epidurals may interfere with the normal bonding that occurs between mothers and babies just after birth.
In one study, mothers given epidurals spent less time with their babies in the hospital. The higher doses of drugs they received, the less time they spent.
In another study, mothers who had epidurals described their babies as more difficult to care for one month later than mothers who hadn’t had an epidural.
In one study, researchers used the Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (IBFAT) and found scores highest amongst unmedicated babies, lower for babies exposed to epidurals and IV opiates, and lowest for babies exposed to both.
A large prospective study found that women who had used epidurals were more than 2 times as likely to have stopped breastfeeding by 24 weeks compared with women who used non-pharmacological pain relief.
The doctors then highly recommend that you are induced which Pitocin is used after an epidural is given because in most cases the babies heart rate drops. and when you can’t push fast enough to get the baby out because he or she is obviously not ready to be born, they tell you they have to perform a C Section in order to save your child’s life. Wow sounds like a great health care system to me. What do you think?
Pitocin-induced contractions will be longer, more forceful and much closer together than a woman’s natural contractions. This can cause significant stress to the baby, because there’s not enough time to recover from the reduced blood flow that happens when the placenta is compressed with each contraction. The net effect of this is to deprive the baby of necessary supplies of blood and oxygen, which can in turn lead to abnormal fetal heart rate patterns and fetal distress.
Is speeding up labor with synthetic oxytocin justified?
Official U.S. figures state a 22.3% induction rate in 2005, which is more than double the rate in 1990. In Australia rates were 25.6% in 2005, and close to 20% in England (2005) and Canada (2002).
The problem with augmentation is that it produces an abnormal labor. Synthetic oxytocin can interfere with the delicate orchestration of the mother’s natural hormones during birth, and according to some research, with the baby’s brain and hormones as well.
It’s crucial to understand that the effect of synthetic oxytocin is not the same as that of natural oxytocin produced by a laboring woman.
The uterine contractions produced by synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) are different than the contractions which are stimulated by natural oxytocin – probably because
Pitocin is administered continuously via IV whereas natural oxytocin is released in pulses.
Pitocin-induced contractions will be longer, more forceful and much closer together than a woman’s natural contractions. This can cause significant stress to the baby, because there’s not enough time to recover from the reduced blood flow that happens when the placenta is compressed with each contraction. The net effect of this is to deprive the baby of necessary supplies of blood and oxygen, which can in turn lead to abnormal fetal heart rate patterns and fetal distress.
In fact, birth activist Doris Haire describes the effects of synthetic oxytocin on the baby as follows:
The situation is analogous to holding an infant under the surface of the water, allowing the infant to come to the surface to gasp for air, but not to breathe.
The U.S. Pitocin package insert is painfully clear about the risks of the drug, warning that it can cause:
• fetal heart abnormalities (slow heart beat, PVCs and arrhythmias)
• low APGAR scores • neonatal jaundice • neonatal retinal hemorrhage • permanent central nervous system or brain damage • fetal death
A Swedish study showed a nearly 3 times greater risk of asphyxia (oxygen deprivation) for babies born after augmentation with Pitocin. And a study in Nepal showed that induced babies were 5 times more likely to have signs of brain damage at birth.
Pitocin can also cause complications for birthing women. Evidence suggests that women who receive Pitocin have increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage, which is likely due to the prolonged exposure to non-pulsed oxytocin. This makes the oxytocin receptors in her uterus insensitive to oxytocin (“oxytocin resistance”) and her own postpartum oxytocin release ineffective in preventing hemorrhage after birth.
In addition, Pitocin may have effects on the natural hormonal cascade which is so important to an undisturbed birth. In one study, women who received Pitocin to speed up labor did not experience an increase in beta-endorphin levels. I described the importance of beta-endorphin to the birth process in a previous article.
Hormonal disruption may also explain the reduced rate of breastfeeding following labor that was induced with Pitocin.
Cesarean risks for mothers
Cesarean involves major abdominal surgery and increases the risk of maternal death by about four times in emergency situations and about three times during elective surgery on a healthy mother and baby.The major causes of death in these cases are infection, blood clots and anesthetic accidents.
Finally, mothers will continue to experience the effects of cesareans throughout her childbearing years. Studies show reduced fertility following a cesarean and greater levels of fear about giving birth five years later. A previous cesarean may double the risk of a breech baby in subsequent pregnancies and increase the risk of uterine rupture.
Cesarean risks for babies
The complications associated with cesarean for even low-risk, healthy babies are numerous. They include:
• Increased risk of respiratory compromise, low blood sugar and poor temperature regulation. • Slower neurological adaptation after birth. • Differences in levels of hormones regulating calcium metabolism, renin-angiotensin, progesterone, creatine kinase, dopamine, nitric oxide synthesis, thyroid hormones and liver enzymes. • Depressed immune function, including poor function of neutrophils, natural killer cells and lymphocytes (all cells that fight infection). • Increased risk of oxidative stress.
But perhaps one of the most significant and lasting risks for babies delivered via cesarean is the alteration of the of gut flora. Studies have consistently shown that cesarean babies have altered fecal microbiota compared with vaginally born babies, which can persist for at least six months and quite possibly for life.
This probably explains why babies born via cesarean may have increased susceptibility to gut infections, asthma and allergies later in life.
The marked changes in gut flora in cesarean babies are not greatly affected by the method of feeding (i.e. breastfeeding vs. formula) afterwards.This means that breastfeeding after cesarean section can’t compensate for the alterations in gut flora experienced with that type of delivery.
C-Sections for Singletons…..need for Multiples
Infant Mortalities
When you think it can’t get any worse, in 2008 the United States ranked number 40 …….infant mortality rate EXPAND
Infant mortality is an important indicator of the health of a nation, and the recent stagnation (since 2000) in the U.S. infant mortality rate has generated concern among researchers and policy makers. The percentage of preterm births in the United States has risen 36% since 1984 (1). In this report we compare infant mortality rates between the United States and Europe. We also compare two factors that determine the infant mortality rate—gestational age- specific infant mortality rates and the percentage of preterm births. The main cause of the United States’ high infant mortality rate when compared with Europe is the very high percentage of preterm births in the United States. In 2005, the latest year that the international ranking is available for, the United States ranked 30th in the world in infant mortality, behind most European countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and Israel (5). The United States international ranking in infant mortality fell from 12th in the world in 1960, to 23rd in 1990 to 29th in 2004 and 30th in 2005 (5).
The 10 leading causes of infant death were:
1. 20.1%-Congenital malformations, deformations and chromo¬somal abnormalities (congenital malformations) 2. 16.9%-Disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight, not elsewhere classified (low birth weight) 3. 8.4%-Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 4. 6.3%-Newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy (maternal complications) 5. 4.7%-Accidents (unintentional injuries) 6. 3.8%-Newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord and membranes (cord and placental complications) 7. 2.5%-Bacterial sepsis of newborn 8. 2.2%-Respiratory distress of newborn 9. 2.1%-Diseases of the circulatory system 10. 2.0%-Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn
How GMO’s have been shown to cause infertility, miscarriages birth defects, early puberty and more….
According to the CDC, in 2008 approximately 12 percent of U.S. women of childbearing age, about 1 in 8 couples, have received assistance for infertility and today it has only gotten worse.
Now that we see these awful statistics and what studies are saying why infertility has skyrocketed infertility what is causing horrific epidemic.
GMOs have been added to our food supply since 1994, but most people don’t know it because the United States does not require labeling of GMOs. As of 2012, most corn, soybeans, canola, cotton, and sugar beets are genetically modified. Nearly 80 percent of processed food and most fast food contain GMOs.
Despite what the biotech industry might say, there is little research on the long-term effects of GMOs on human health. Independent research has found several varieties of GMO corn caused organ damage in rats. Other studies have found that GMOs may lead to an inability in animals to reproduce.
We already know that estrogen dominance is a leading cause of a variety of fertility issues, including low sperm count, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PCOS and ovulation disorders. Not only that, 3 studies in the past 2 years have come out showing that rising estrogen levels are causing young girls to begin puberty at an earlier age than ever documented in history.
If studies were done to determine what is causing the rise in infertility a lot more parents would have a greater chance to conceive. GMO’s unfortunately are only part of the equation but it definitely plays a huge part. If parents who are trying to conceive would stay away from GMO’s preferably two years prior to trying they would better there chances tremendously. One of the biggest reasons for this, is because genetically modified foods alter your estrogen levels tremendously which throws of the proper balance of hormones in the body. Without a proper balance of hormones one will have a much more difficult time getting pregnant. The links below are studies that have been done that further confirm how detrimental gmo’s are to yours and your babies body.
birth defects
A study published in Pediatrics in 2011 found that in the United States alone, 15% of girls begin puberty by age 7.
With breast development beginning at a younger age as well. Exposure to any chemicals, foods, or substances that increase estrogen levels unnaturally may lead to widespread fertility problems for future generations. Don’t think that males are immune, exposure to elevated estrogen levels can alter sperm health, count and liver function.
Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
The Impact of Dietary Organic and Transgenic Soy on the Reproductive System of Female Adult Rat
A glyphosate-based herbicide induces necrosis and apoptosis in mature rat testicular cells in vitro, and testosterone decrease at lower levels.
Scientists from the University of Caen, in France, conducted an experiment using glyphosate doses that were less than the maximum residue limit (legal limit) and discovered that the chemical caused endocrine disruption. More specifically, the scientists found estrogen receptors were inhibited (blocking estrogen hormones from activating cells) with just 2 ppm (2mg/kg). The legal limit in the US is 5 ppm.
A Candian study by A. Aris and S. Leblanc found that the metabolites of glyphosate and another GM-related pesticide were found in the blood of pregnant women and fetuses.
Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark? Earth Open Source, June 2011Scientific research published in 2010 showed that Roundup and the chemical on which it is based, glyphosate, cause birth defects in frog and chicken embryos at dilutions much lower than those used in agricultural and garden spraying.
The New Pathogen Linked with GMOs
In January 2011, one of the nation’s senior scientists alerted the federal government to a newly discovered organism that may have the potential to cause infertility and spontaneous abortion in farm animals, raising significant concerns about human health. Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University, believes the appearance and prevalence of the unnamed organism may be related to the Nation’s over reliance on the weed killer known as Roundup and/or to something about the genetically engineered Roundup Ready crops.
Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, November 2006Study shows the results of testing the toxicity and endocrine disruption potential of Roundup (Bioforce) on human embryonic 293 and placental-derived JEG3 cells, but also on normal human placenta and equine testis.
So as you can see GMOs are directly related to why woman and men can’t conceive and why there is a rise in men and woman’s health issues.
Use the links below to browse a complete library of articles on natural fertility therapies.How to naturally heal fertility issues
Restoring your hormone balance
Fertility Diet
Fertility Therapies
Organic Remedies to help the top reasons woman and men’s infertility issues
Prepare for Conception
Fertility Massage
The cost of not living organically resulting in not having a child the natural way as well as paying the consequences vs. the cost of living organically
Explaining how living organically and giving your body what nature intended will not only cost a whole heck of a lot less but will greater your chances of having a little bundle of joy and live a healthy happy and fulfilled life
The Brighton Baby book is a great way to learn how to start a family naturally.
Great resource